Thursday, March 4, 2010


Hey YAll!!!

I have a little AMAZING Fun Fact for you guys that I kind of freeked out about. SOoooooo...The play that I went and saw in London, "The Little Dog Laughed" featured Rupert Friend a.k.a Mr. Wickham from Pride and Prejudice!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh My Gosh! My life is full of celebrities! Well, not really but it will suffice.

So I thought that that was an awsome little piece of wonderfulness for yall to enjoy this lovely weekend :)

I miss all of yall so much and I cant wait to come home. Dont forget to read my last post about Oxford, Bath, and Stonehenge!! And stay tuned for Amsterdam, Derbyshire (where Pride and Prejudice was filmed...ironically), and Stratford (where William Shakespeare was born)!

Love you Love you Love you Love you Love you!



  1. that's crazy!!! too bad he was boo boo in the would have been better if it was Mr. Bingley!!

  2. for sure!! I also saw a poster of another broadway play with Jane from Pride and Prejudice as the main character! I thought that was cool.

  3. Ali, I can't think of a better place for you to be! This trip is right up your alley (no pun intended). We miss you! Leaving to go skiing day after tomorrow. Wish you were going with us. I'm sure there will be lots of laughs!!! I love you! Lynn

  4. Oh it would have been SOOOO much better if it was Mr. Bingley!!!!
