Monday, March 1, 2010

Oxford. Bath. Stonehenge. Flu

Hello from England! ... and the sickly.

I miss everyone so much...I want to come home more and more everyday. Which is a little sad, but im hanging in there. I only have two more months left and I am going to some amazing places :) This weekend was wonderful and full of beautiful sights. As always, I wish that everyone could have experienced it with me, but I guess it is good that I am by myself, Im growing haha. I hope that everyone is doing sure that yall are all so busy. I wish that I was in Texas never stops raining here. What a surprise...right? School is going well...this week is going to be a breeze, unlike last week. Im hoping that things will slow down a little bit.

Wednesday Night was by best friend and roommate Cassies birthday! We went out to a pub in town with the "Theatre Kids" (as everyone refers to them as, but I am such goood friends with all of them) and it was a blast! We had so much fun. (Pictures below)

Before this weekend started I went to the Alice in Wonderland World Premiere in London!!!! This is where I stood without moving (only to shove people in front of me out of the way) for 6 hours in the pouring rain. But Hey! paid off because I got to see Tim Burton (creepy man..wierd movies) Anne Hathaway (love her) and I got the meet Johnny Depp (yes lauren...he is a bit greesy..yet hot at the same time) and I got his autograph and pictures too!!!! (as seen below) It was amazing, but also very cold and I had an afro at the end of the night :) But I would do it all over again. Crazy.

This weekend I went to Oxford, Bath, AND Stonehenge...busy busy weekend! First we went to Oxford on Friday morning and spent the afternoon there. We saw Christ Church, which is where Harry Potter Great Hall is! That was awsome to see. I also went to the Alice in Wonderland shop (how appropriate) because Oxford is where Lewis Carroll wrote and based his book Alice in Wonderland! So that was really cool as well. We also saw some of the cool architecture and buildings that we have been studying in British studies and Oxford University...which is all over Oxford because a ton of Colleges around the town make up the University. I got some good shopping in and some great pictures!

Friday Night and all of Saturday we spent in Bath. This was an amazing city. I didnt get that many pictures because there werent too many sites to see there except the Roman Baths and Jane Austen Centre (this was Jane Austen's home) and also Sally Lunn's house (which is the oldest house in Bath and now a famous restaurant with her famous bun recipe). We did alot of shopping in Bath and relaxing and good eating. It was a fun time but also not stressful because we didnt have a million sites that we had to see before the day was over. I also got my hair trimmed here, which was was getting a little ratty. We went out saturday night for my friend John's birthday and his parents paid for our dinner which was so nice of them, and it was a fabulous meal!!! Overall, a fantastic and relaxing time in Bath...though it was rainy.

Sunday...Sickness. I woke up and I was throwing up the whole day. We went on the Roman Bath tour before we left Bath which was great and really cool to see. I didnt pay too much attention to the rest of it haha. We left Bath and made our way to Stonehenge. Stonehenge was cool, but not really all the hype that everyone says it is. However, it was a very cool site to see. After this we headed back to the manor...where i continued to throw up all of my guts. Lovely....i know. However, you will be glad to know that I am feeling so much better now :)

Coming up on Party in the U.K. --> I am going to Amsterdam this Wednesday for a night to see Dave Matthews Band with a group of friends! I am also going on a day trip with my host family to Derbyshire (where Pride and Prejudice was filmed) on Friday. Then on Saturday I will be going to Conventry and Stratford with my Shakespeare class to see the towns and also see a play production of King Lear. So lots to look forward to and blog about! I hope all of you have a great week! And can click on the pictures and it will make them bigger and more clear for you to see :)

Well I hope all of you enjoy my post and my pictures!!! I love all of you very very much and I miss you even more! I cannot wait to come home and see al of you (especially you, Yawnen and Gookana (Spelling?...ask oma about it) ) ...i wish I could be there now :) I love you.

Yours Truly,
- Hannah Montana
P.S. (i miss the Disney Channel)

Me and Cassie at her Birthday!

me and my friend John White at Cassies birthday

Me and my friend Sam at Birthday party

Me and friends at Premiere

me at Platform 9 &3/4 at Kings Cross Station in London (in Harry Potter for those who dont know)

World Premiere Sign!

Me at World Premiere

Johnny Depp!!!



Me in the Great Hall
The Great Hall

Me at Christ Church in Oxford (where Harry Potter Great Hall is)

Tom Tower at Christ Church in Oxford

Me at Alice in Wonderland Shop in Oxford (where Lewis Carroll wrote the book)

Me at Roman Baths in Bath (as you can see im very pale - beginning of sickness)

Me at Stonehenge!

Again with the pile of rubble (as they call it here)



  1. Ali! These pictures are great! Is Cassie taller/as tall as you?!? I never see you in pictures where someone else's head is above yours! haha! You definitely have looked better than you did in the picture at the Roman baths...haha! But I am so glad you are feeling better! Nothing worse than throwing up away from home! We miss you very much, but glad you are enjoying yourself and having a good time!

    Love you!
    Christi, Derrik, Riley

  2. haha yes Cassie is taller than I am...weird. It was weird being at Stonehenge because I knew that you had been there and I havent been anywhere like that yet. Tell the sweet girl I miss her and love her. I hope she doesnt bite my face off when I get home

  3. HAHAHA! I will tell her...I am SURE that she will remember her Aunt Ali!

  4. Hi Honey,
    As always your post had me rolling in the floor with laughter. And, yes Depp is definitely a bit greeeeezy! Cudos to you for getting his autograph. Bet those Londoners didn't know what hit them with Ali Bali came ripping through the crowd. Glad you are feeling better sweetheart.

    Love you to the moon, mom
