Sunday, February 7, 2010

Who Dat.

Hey everyone!!

GEAUX SAINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What! What! Superbowl today and I cant wait! Kick off here is at 11:30 pm! Hooray for late night NFL, and it hurts me to not root for the Colts but I must support the homeland :) So, this weekend was uneventful in the fact that I did not take any trips, but it was nice to relax and not have any obligations. I slept until 11:30 am on saturday (and watched 3 movies) and 12 pm today. My sleep schedule has been radical here!
(LAuren and Christi: I watched Three mUskateers, feeling a little iffy thinking that maybe it wouldnt be as good as when i watched it when I was three years old...haha!! IT WAS BETTER!!! I was CRACKING UP!!! I cannot wait to get back and quote our favorite lines from it --> [Rochefort. Isn't that a smelly kind of cheese?]. haha I love it!

I dont have many interesting things to say. I am going to Ireland for 5 days and four nights this week so I will have an awsome post next weekend! I will be going to Dublin and Kilarney. I dont have much to post this time but I just wanted to keep you updated on my weekend! I tried to post pictures of all of my friends but since they werent from my camera, they wouldnt post. Bummer.

(This paragraph is after the super bowl)...WOOOO HOOO!!! Saints won! Great Game huh?I watched the whole thing in a room FULL of Colts fans...everyone here is from Indiana haha! So there was tons of heckling towards me to say the least, but I kept my little mouth shut and I guess it paid off in the long run :)

(I wish I could have been there so bad)

I miss everyone SO much!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY COURTNEY!!! 21!!! (WISH I could be there!)
(You will be getting a little surprise in the mail...use it for your birthday!)

Alex and Christopher!
I miss both of you so much! I hope Nursing School and Law school are going great (you little brilliant couple) haha Give Maddie and Walle (Spelling?) a big hug and kiss for me! Im so glad they are best friends now! Love you.

Miss you Bailey & Chance! I cant wait to come stay with yall at SMU...i miss it alot, but I wish that yall were here to party! (and Chel)

I was SO Happy to see you this weekend Grandma Bagley :) Love you.

Aunt Jean & Uncle Jim,
Mom and Dad told me that yall are enjoying the posts...and I am SO glad!! I love that I can share this experience with everyone at home. When I come home we will have to come to Trophy Club and have dinner soon! I hope yall are doing well. Love you

Hi Oma! I know mom will show you this post so I thought that I would say hello and I miss you very much and I cannot wait to get your happy in her package! I hope it comes soon! Love you :)

Love you mommy and daddy...i miss home so much :( Im trying to study hard and stay focused haha its hard here. This is the most liberating and amazing experience that I have ever been through, and all of the amazing people that I have met so far have made it even better. I wish that both of you could be here. It isnt the same without you...but we will be back :)

I am Desparately sorry if I forgot to address anyone! (I cant see everyone who follows from this page)...but I LOVE all of you and you better look out for my next post about Ireland!!

Stay Tuned to Party in the U.K.!!! (Ireland will be CRAZY! finding Gerard Butler while im there :) at least my own version)

-The Bal-ster


  1. WHO DAT?!?!? heck yeah man! Wish you could have been at the house with us watching! It was NUTS! I thought Derrik was going to have a stroke haha. I got your card and postcard in the mail! I haven't quite figured out the card yet, but I will let you know when I do! haha. I can't wait to read your post from Ireland and see all of your pictures! I am sitting here almost crying wanting to go with you so BAD!! Definitely my next place on my list to travel! Also, I don't have skype...I don't think. haha! I definitely do not have a web yeah...You will never guess what your little sweet girl did yesterday! It was stormy and there was thunder (early morning around 6:30). So, of course, she was scared. She kept putting her paws up on the bed and whining. I was tired so I ignored her. Next thing I know, she is laying next to me in bed!!!!!! Unbelieveable! Love and miss you!!
    Christi, Derrik, Riley

  2. BAAHAH!!!! Riley! what a sweet girl! and a stinker too! Yeah I was about to have a stroke during the game as well! I was snowing here yesturday and this morning and it is so sunny and beautiful todaY! I went walking around in the village by myself and i was lovely :)

  3. Hey Ali!! Can I please just tell you just how jealous I am that you are spending Valentine's day in Ireland and i'm spending it in my apartment studying and writing up a case study about pain?..
    But I'm glad you're taking advantage of your current location :)
    Anyways...My parents came in this weekend for the first time since I moved..Momma bought me pasta bowls for my birthday! yay! and then my electric mixer broke when I was making banana bread before the super bowl...thank goodness I had Chris to play "mixer"...
    So...this weekend we went to a little weekend pet adoption here in houston and they had this little dog that had been mutilated...someone had poked his eye out and cut his tail off...:( and there was this other one that was named Bob and he couldn't find a home...he had been there since last summer because he can't find a family...not even a temporary foster family! Needless to say Chris nearly took him home but I was afraid he might eat Maddie while i was gone one day at school...that would be terrible..
    Mom found a cute little chihuahua that she just loved but dad wouldn't let her get another doggy...
    SOOO if you want a puppy...!...i'd be more than happy to help you save one :)
    Sorry I haven't been keeping up with your blog...I've had tests and papers a lot lately... :)

  4. haha!!! oh my gosh..yall all need to STOP going to pet adoption places! Soon you will become the crazy couple with all of the mutilated dogs (excluding maddie) haha. I miss you so much and I can jsut imagine how hectic things are. I am so glad that yall are doing well though and I cant wait till pool time this summer!

  5. ali i just saw your post :) it made me sooo happy to see that you included me! I miss you so much && just an update from meee... my birthday was awesome but it would have been so much better with you here to spend it with me!!! I love you oh so much && i hope you are doing wonderfully!! i cant wait to hear about your week of traveling! talk to you soon. :)

