Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Worst Week of my life!

Hello Everyone...

As you can tell from the context of my title...I have had a rough week. And its only WEDNESDAY! I have had to write 2 papers, take 1 quiz, do 1 presentation, read 3 books, and have class from 8:30am - 5:30pm today. It has been awful! But....At least it is almost over and I dont have class for the next four days!

ANnnddddd.....I get to go to London Thursday to see the Alice in Wonderland premiere!!!!!!!!! Well not actually the premiere...but I am going to the red carpet to see all of the movie stars! I am so excited! hopefully I will get some good pictures from it to put on here...which could possibly include Johnny Depp and Anne Hathaway! So yes...this week will have a happy Ending. I will also be going to Oxford, Stonehenge, and Bath this stay tuned for a post this weekend!

Well, that is my life at the moment! I love all of you and I hope that yall have a wonderful week.

- Al Pal


  1. I think it has been a bad week for everyone...I have 3 tests this tomorrow and clinicals start on friday at 6:30am..
    I cannot WAIT to see Alice and Wonderland. Did you know they nearly picked Lindsey Lohan to play Alice?! That movie would have been terrible...thank goodness they came to their senses! And I can't imagine anybody better to play the mad hatter than Johnny Depp...
    Have fun Ali! take care!

  2. i've been wondering where you've been. my computer hasn't been ringing lately. i agree this week sucks. i have a paper, a quiz, and two tests. of which i am prepared for none.
    i do believe you might have a crazy message on facebook so check that out soon.
    you're weekend is going to be great. have fun!

    p.s. i actually commented. happy?
    p.p.s.s. i can't get this thing to work so i'm signing it with my dumb english blog. you know who it is.

  3. Hey Darlin', figured I'd give you a little blogging action here to fill a quiet gap. I suppose everyone is busy or out-of-pocket doing other things. Your mother abandoned me for a weekend retreat with all the muckity mucks so I've a little extra down time this morning and thought I'd say hello. Hope your weekend is meeting your expectations .. getting to rub shoulders with all the movie stars and such.

    BTW (dumb things to think about I guess), is it Alice IN Wonderland -or- Alice AND Wonderland?? Maybe Alex is just throwing me a curve ball, but I always thought it was "IN"?? Anyway, look forward to your next blog.

    love you - dad.

  4. ALI!!! OMG I cannot believe you are going to a red carpet premiere!!!! I am so jealous. I almost don't even want to read about all the things you are doing anymore because it just makes me want to go back to college so I can study abroad! haha Well, I guess I will be going back to school... just probably won't be studying in Europe or anything. So I guess it doesn't even matter that I'm going to school again. I don't know what I'm saying. ANYWAY. I hope to hear about seeing Johnny Depp soon!!! Oh, and apparently, he and his girlfriend (or wife?) have such bad personal hygiene habits, they are almost unbearable to be around! See if you can verify that for us, eh? Danny read that the other day. That Johnny doesn't take regular showers, and neither does she. But she is a French model, so I guess the nationality may explain that on her part. Ok enough babbling.... talk to you later!!!

    Love you!!!

