Sunday, January 31, 2010

Edinburgh, Scotland


Scotland = Amazing, Amazing, Amazing, Ton of Sheep, Kilts, Bagpipes, Scenery, and Amazing.

Scotland is officially one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. The 6 hour drive from school was well worth it. The rolling hills covered in sheep and mountain snow covered peaks and lakes and water was breathtaking. I wish every one of you could have been there because my pictures don’t do it justice.

We arrived Friday afternoon to Edinburgh (Edin-Bourough), Scotland. My friends and I checked into the hotel and walked around the city and found ourselves that one of the most amazing monuments in Edinburgh, Arthur’s Seat. Arthur’s Seat is an old volcano that has turned into an attraction and popular place to work out…I’ll tell you why. The morning after I walked Arthur’s Seat, my feet were so swollen that I could hardly fit them in my boots, my legs were so sore that I couldn’t itch them, and my face was so windburn that it looked like I over did my blush 10 times that morning!!! Haha, and despite all of the tragedies, it was one of the most beautiful and fun things that I did this weekend, and I didn’t even go to the top! Friday night we went to a great pub and met some really nice locals…(Scots are much nicer that England people). Then we went to a dance club where I was further beaten up, but this time it was by girls high heels and boys huge feet! Yet, it was a fabulous time. Safe to say that I wasn’t up for much walking on Saturday. OH but there was more walking to come!

Saturday my friends and I went to the Edinburgh castle, which is one of the most well kept and preserved castles in Scotland. It was built into the side of a cliff. We toured that castle and viewed the canon shooting that takes place every day at 1. Needless to say, I almost peed my pants I was so startled. We also saw Scottish crown jewels and the Stone of Destiny which was placed under every coronation chair (when they crown a royal) in London until just a few years ago it was taken back to Scotland. After that we went to The Scotch Whiskey Experience!! (To further stress to alcoholism that I have now developed… J only kidding!) This is where we learn all about the five main different whiskey regions of Scotland and the different whiskeys that they make. We got to chose one to test drink from smelling them and learning about how they are made. Since Scots are so famous for their whiskey, this is where the largest whiskey collection in the WORLD is at (which is owned by one man who is a professional Scottish whiskey blender)…it was incredible the bottles of whiskey that were here. The most expensive one was from New York City from a VERYYY long time ago and it cost $1000 USD at that time. Its casing was sterling silver. SO, that was so much fun and very interesting. After that we went shopping a little bit and I went back to the hotel because I was beat. Got ready and went to dinner at an Italian place which was amazing and a nice change of pace from continuous pub food. I bet you can guess what I got…pizza J After that we met up with some friends and went to a pub to hang out and that is where I met some Scottish boys. We got to talking about cars and American football…and somewhere in there I mentioned that I was from Texas! Well they just had a blast with that one!

This is how that conversation went? “So, you where a cowboy hat all the time?” … “uh, No and I don’t ride a horse everywhere either…I don’t even own a horse.” … “WHAT?!?!” Haha so yes, the Texas stereotype travels even over here. The next subject that came up was Obama, naturally. I asked “A lot of Brits worship Obama…Do Ya’ll like Obama?”... his response, “BAHAHAHA!!!!! Do YA”LLL (stress on the ‘Yall’) like Obama!” (he was mocking me) It was quiet amusing because I have gone a month without being made fun of about saying ‘Yall’ by anyone foreign! That was about as far as our conversation went…well the part that I could UNDERSTAND!! Their communication is undecipherable. I was having a rather difficult time. After that we went to another dance club that was a ton of fun and then called it a night!

Sunday morning we woke up and drove to Hadrian’s Wall, which is a fort in England that is one of the most well kept historical war landmarks in England. It is where the Celtics were trying to invade someone (I wasn’t paying too much attention). After that we drove a little while and stopped in Durham, England. This is where we ate lunch and saw the Durham castle and cathedral! We were all spent so it wasn’t too eventful but it was a wonderful town and very enjoyable. And that leaves me here, tired as all get out, and using my hands to forcefully keep my eyes open!

I hope that all of you had an amazing week and weekend and I hope that you enjoy my post! I miss everyone very much and love YALL!! I am doing great but i miss home a ton...but I also want this trip to go as slow as possible. I havent even yet come to the realization that I am here. Maybe it will hit me when I got to France and I REALLY cant understand anything they are saying!

Have a great week and keep tuning in to Party in the U.K.!!


P.S. my pictures are a bit out of order so just go along with it…Enjoy!! And COMMENT!

V. – miss you!

Me sitting on Hadrian's Wall

Welcome to Scotland!

Scotland Border!

Welcome to Scotland! Border between Scotland and England

Scotch Whiskey Experience

Only one of the five walls filled with the largest whiskey collection in the world!

Outside the Edinburgh Castle with a Scot warrior!

Firing the Canon at Edinburgh Castle!

Me at Edinburgh Castle

My friend Emily and I on top of a canon

Little Mermaid Ariel Rock on Arthur's Seat!

All of us on part of Arthur's Seat

View of Scotland from Arthur's Seat at sunset

Someone carved my name into Arthur's Seat!!!

All of our shadows on the side of Arthur's Seat!

Jumping in front of Edinburgh view!

Peace to you on top of Arthur's Seat

It was SOOO windy on Arthurs Seat!!
Me in front of view of Edinburgh
All of the girls in from of Arthurs Seat...That isnt even half of it

Me in front of Arthurs Seat

Non snowy Scotland view

Beautiful snowy moutains on Scotland sountryside


  1. Ali, you should be appointed the official
    ambassador of Texas! Enjoyed your pics and
    you are right on about the beauty of Scotland.
    Have a good week....I look forward to your
    next adventure! Much love...A Jean

  2. WOW Ali, those are some amazing pictures. I especially like the one of you on top of the rock on Arthur's Seat. It def, def, definitely reminds me of the Titanic and that scene in Pride and Prejudice. I also love the "Peace to you" picture, it is AMAZING you are so pretty! Well, i am glad you got some pizza, even if it was Scottish. I will be sure and tell the guys at my office that you drank some scotch, they will be jealous. I think we may have to put some new soles on your Frye boots when you get home, no doubt you will have walked half the sole off before your trip is over.

    Things are pretty dull around here without you. We are going to skype you in for the Superbowl so you can say hi to everyone.

    Stay safe and floss. Love Mom

  3. Hi Ali, this is Oma. I just finished reading all of your posts. I am so happy for you to have the experience to see the wonderful architecture and historical monuments in Europe. I can't get over that I was able to sit at the computer and read all about your adventures and I didn't even need my glasses, what's up with that? I am happy to hear you have made all these good friends in such a short time. Mom is sending a happy from me in the package she is sending you, I hope you like it. And above all we miss you terribly, but being able to read all about your trip helps me feel close to you.

    Love Oma
    P.S. You look beautiful in your pictures, just like Miss America.

  4. ALI!!!! So, I almost cried the other day because I MISS YOU!!! I went to Denton on Thursday to see that band, Sugar Glyder play at the Boiler Room...not sure if you have heard of that place. Anyway, all of your adventures sound fantastic! I love your pictures! Especially the one with all of your shaddows on the wall (very cool) and the one of you jumping in the air. Epic. Haha! Riley misses you very much! I wish we could all watch the super bowl together. I am hoping Lauren and Danny are going to score some king cake for our birthday party/superbowl party next weekend! You look great and like you are having so much fun! Enjoy everything while you can! Love you, and can't wait to see you home again!

    Christi, Derrik and Riley.

  5. Hey Darlin' guess its my turn. Where are the pics of the sheep and sheep herders?? I was looking forward to those, thought I might be able to pick up a pointer or two. Did you see any Great Pyrenees in the herds? Bet Cracker would feel right at home.

    Oh, Just got off the phone with the local detox clinic, made you an appointment for May 14th at 3:30pm. Sounds like they'll have their hands full!!

    Do I need to say, "just kidding"? But go easy on that stuff. It will wrinkle your skin prematurely, cause slurred speech and create ugly gaps between your teeth. Not complementary to a Miss America pageant contestant.

    Guess we'll catch up later .. looking forward to the next skippie session! Love you, dad.

  6. Hi, Honey! Sounds like you are having so much fun! Wish I was there with you laughing and laughing! Its been really cold here too! I'm ready for some pool time with my favorite girl! Take care and stay warm. I've been posting but I don't think you got the last one - don't know why! I guess I need Chance to explain it...again! Love you! Lynn

  7. ALi :) Once again I enjoyed your post & the pictures! It is so gorgeous there, I am glad you are taking advantage of all the beautiful landscape..again it is GORGEOUS! I hope you are getting all your school work done and doing marvelous during all these extremely adventurous weekends! & YOU CUT THAT DRINKING OUT MISSY! bahaha jk.. have funnnn but not TOO much :) I agree with your dad on that one! Well okay hope you've started your week off perfectly... take care! I miss you to the moon & backkk!


  8. Hey Ali! I'm glad to see that you're having fun and putting in a good word for Texas. I'm sorry that you didn't run into Colin Farrell while you were in Scotland. Or is he Irish? Any way, you should have told them that the real whiskey is in Kentucky! lol Miss you and keep up the blog, you're doing great!


  9. ALI!! I am so glad I got to talk to you! I loved your post and your pictures. I want to cry when I see all your pretty pictures! I especially like the Ariel rock. :) I miss you dearly!

    Lauren and the Bug

  10. Oh, and I think I heard you yelling "HELLO!!!"
