Thursday, April 8, 2010

23 DAYS!

 23 DAYS till Im home!!!

This week has been pretty work is getting slim and the school is organizing more activities for all of us to do to commemorate our experience here :) Yesturday was the Quidditch World Cup! That was interesting...and I am much more sore that I thought I would be or than I would be if I was riding on a broom stick the whole time like Harry Potter.

Everyone is getting sick here...throw up sick. So I really hope that isnt going to catch up to me! Tonight is the Meet-A-Family Fest so that should be fun! and then Saturday is the Costume Ball...Im going as Hannah Montana!!! I miss the Disney Channel so much...I feel like Im missing so much...all the new episodes, season finales, season premeires, Original Disney Channel movies, everything. But I will have all summer to catch up :)

I have no idea how Im going to get home...I have so much stuff. Everyone else is planning on throwing out a bunch of their worn out shoes and clothes and towels....I cant throw out any of that stuff!!! So packing will be an interesting task. I hope that all of you are having a great week. The days seem to be going by slowly here...but fast at the same time. I cant beleive the semester is almost over, and it is going to be summer when I get home. I didnt get to have a Spring this was just a constant winter and then 100 degrees when I get home...CANT WAIT! My body cant take much more abuse...(Thats your cue Christi)...Im going to need a MAJOR massage when I get home. And when I say massage I mean multiple massages. We are so lucky to have a sister/daughter in the family with massage certification....However, she isnt so lucky to have an obscene amount of family members with chronic neck, shoulders, and back problems...not to mention the mental problems...but thats what Lauren is for right?

Well I love you and I miss you and Im going to put up some fun random pictures from the semester that I dont think you have seen.

At the Goose...funny faces...except for me

After I got into a fight with the bathroom door...this wound is miniscule compared to the damage I left on that door when I was through with him.
Chelsea, Me, Katie

Me, Jessi, Jeryn, Emily

Alex, Me, Kat

me, Cassie, Kerry in Prague

me and Russell

Alex, me, Sarah, Katie

Emily, Paige, Me, Sarah

Thats it for now! Love you so much!
Dont forget to Czech out my Prague Post!


  1. Hey! glad you decided to blog even though there isn't much going on. All of the activities they have planned for you sound so fun! It's a good thing school is winding down in stead of piling up, like it tends to here at the end of the semester! Riley is at the groomer getting a hair cut, and she is going to be at the airport to greet you when you get home! She can't wait for you to come have a sleepover with her again and maybe watch some Disney! Love and miss you so much!!

    The Holmes Family

  2. OHH!! I cant wait to see the sweet girl!

  3. Hey there, just three weeks left .. helping you count it down! Going by really fast here in part due to your mom traveling and planning to be gone most of this month. Combined with the anticipation of your arrival home, it has me pushing the clock hands forward every chance I get! However; with the weather warming up, there's no longer a shortage of things to do around the farm. I was mowing grass last night until 9PM.

    By the way, if your trip to Italy includes parts near L'Aquila (central Italy) you might get prepared to see remains from the earthquake that hit that region on April 6, 2009 .. barely a year ago. Just a little tip to help you be on top of recent Italian history.

    Home in 22 days, and you, dad.

  4. I have the best dad in the entire world! I love you so much and I cant wait to be home so your not lonely anymore...Im sure mom hates being away from you so much. I hate being away from both of you! See you in 22 days!!!
