Sunday, April 18, 2010

Eyjafjallajoekull Volcano

Hi Everyone!

I know that most of you probablly know that the Eyjafjallajoekull (Yes, That is the real name...I am not making it up) Volcano has erupted and is continuing to erupt as I am typing to you. However, we have been told that it is supposed to be slowing down in the next couple days. As of now the large ash cloud is moving southeast over the UK (No, I cant not see it...nor am I getting covered in soot everytime I walk outside) and the rest of Europe. I dont want to go over all of the speculated technical aspects of this thing because it literally changes minute to minute and we cannot predict what mother nature decides to do. However, I just wanted to share with everyone how much this is effecting this other half of the world. I know that it is in the news and yall probablly know alot, but many people just think 'Oh another natural an earthquake or tsunami' well not really because it has shut off pretty much everything in and out of the UK and most of Europe. You can read all about how it effecting everyone or hear it on the news...I think...I mean I wouldnt really know what is showing on prime time O'Reilly Factor. But schools are shutting down, cancelling exams...because it was holiday for everyone here right before the volcano erupted and everyone is stuck abroad. 5 girls from my school were stuck in Poland for 5 days and missed exams. There are many people who have been told that they will not be able to return to the UK until next month. This is because once their flight is cancelled they get reimbursed and possibly put in a hotel...but the tricky part of all of this is that once the air space opens back up...ALLLL of these people are going to be booking flights and some already have...for next month, because everything will or already has been booked. Well why not just resort to railway travel through Europe...Euro star is solid booked for weeks.

The real tragedy here is that Miley Cyrus cant make it to 'The Last Song' Premiere in London...which I was going to go to :(....but as you can see this isnt just effecting the airlines incoming money, but all of Europe and some surrounding continents and many the Europa cup (I think its for rugby, or futbol...not sure).

So obviously this effects me...which is the most important thing of all of this...Right? I am suppose to leave for Italy in 3 days (Thursday). As of now...that is most likely not going to happen. It has not been cancelled yet, but we will see what happens. The group flight back to America this Thursday (the people who were not planning on going to Italy) has been cancelled as of this moment. So they will be needing to make other arrangements to get back to America...who knows how long they will have to wait until they can get a flight that is open...if it stays cancelled. So Im not sure what I am going to do for 9 days if I dont go to Italy...I stilll have hope that the volcano will stop erupting and we will get some wicked rapid winds up in here to blow out this ash cloud. If I dont then maybe I will go over to Scotland or but not a close second to Italy I have to say.

They have put a few planes in the air from the Netherlands and Germany (i think) for test runs in the ash cloud. They said there were minimal damages and they are still observing and finding results from the engine and I know that people are working extremely hard to find solutions for this because the airspace being closed is literally shutting down an extremely large factor in the function of this continent and the earth...A little dramatic I know..but its true!!! London has been completely shut down for 5 days...that is HUGE in itself. So I think that it 'the man in charge' is going to do whatever it takes to get the airspace open again.

That is my update....I hope it was helpful or at least interesting to read if you already knew everything that was going on and the extreme depth of the effects that this volcano is having on life over here.

Here are some pictures from this weekend ...Our last night at the Goose (unless we are stuck here for 9 more days) to liven this post up a little :)

Me and Molly

Natalie, Sarah, Katie, Me

Me, Jeryn, Emily

Patti, Sam, Me

Jessi, Jarrod, Me

Molly, Sarah, Me

Marilyn and Me

Me and Chelsea

Thats All Folks! -- I dont want to spoil all of the pictures for when I get home!
Love you all so much :)
Pray for Italy!!


  1. Ali. ALL I have to say about all this is that you BETTER BE HOME ON TIME!!!!!
