Sunday, April 11, 2010

Costume Ball

Hello over there!

20 DAYS!! AH! Time is going by fast...thankfully. But I am going to miss everyone so much here...even though I am on the verge of ringing their necks. I just have 4 more days of class and then Exams start this Saturday. WOW. I only have one more assignment left and then Im done...except for exams :) I am so excited for feels like it isn't going to come. I cant beleive all this stuff is happening. I remember months ago when I was thinking about how all of this was so far away, and now it is flying by. Incredible. Everyone here is really ready to go home...but we know that we are all going to miss this place and all of our friends. So that is sad but...I think we can manage.

The Costume Ball was last of those things that I thought would never come, and its already gone! It was a fabulous much fun! We had a Date Auction reception to see all of the people up for the Date Auction that was held and then we had a formal dinner....which was glorious!!! I stuffed my face. Then we all took pictures and had the Ball in the Great Hall. Just like Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire...I really felt like I was in that movie. The Date Auction was silent...which was alot of fun to watch. Two of our British professors who are eye candy and obsessions to many of the female and some of the male students were put up for auction as a pair....They went for 71 Pounds!!!! (aka about 125 dollars) It was a female student too! Crazy. I went as Hannah Montana to the Costume ball (my costume didnt get here in time mom, but my improvisation of a costume was great!). Everyone loved it so much...they were so excited that a big star came to their costume Ball! I performed to Party in the USA hahaha it was great! We danced all night until feet hurt so bad and were covered in beer and wine..yuck! (I danced barefoot) Nothing bad happened to anyone (aka throwing up in the middle of the Great Hall due to drunkeness) so that was great! We all had so much fun and I cant wait to show you all of the pictures.

Today (Sunday) is the Harlaxton Olympics...that should be interesting! I am on a team with Cassie, Emily, Jessi, Jeryn, and Emilee. Not that any of you actually know who these people are. I love yall so much and I cant wait to see is so soon!!! Have a great week everybody!


Goose...night before Costume Ball

Goose with kerry...she lives in Wetherford, TX

Me and Cassie at Goose

Me and Patti at Goose...she lives in Arlington, TX

Me, Kerry, Molly, Patti, Cassie - Costume Ball

Me and Nick...he is a Beatle. 2 music legends....kind of :)

Me and Emilee....yes I am wearing sequins tights with flowers on them

Cassie and I

Natalie, Kat, Me, Eileen

Me and Dr. Taylor...One of the eye candy Auctionees


  1. Ali! You are so funny. And I was also DYING laughing at Dad's comment on your last blog!!! I can't believe you are going to be here in less than 3 WEEKS!!! We are VERY excited to be coming to see you arrive at the airport! We miss you VERY much! Now, off to check on dinner and Danny is going to cut my hair. BAH!

    Love You!!!!


  2. Really Lauren?!? Danny cutting your hair?!!? Okay, on to business...Ali! that party sounds like a blast! So sad your costume didn't get there in time! Bummer! This "eye candy" you speak of is dressed as a woman?! doesn't look too appealing to me! Your friends from TX live about 30 min from Derrik and I! Very easy to visit them. Dad, Derrik and I took your car for a spin last weekend...getting it warmed up and ready for your return! We are all so excited! Enjoy your last few weeks of being European!


  3. Oh it makes me so happy that you dad and derrik took the little trooper out for a spin :) I miss her! Lauren...why in the world is Danny cutting our hair. 19 days!!!!

  4. Hey. We are POOR!!!! When are you guys going to realize that?? LOL Actually, it looks really good! Haha I mean, all he did was cut 2 inches off the bottom. No fancy work. I told him if he screwed it up I could go anywhere I wanted to get it fixed. Haha! But, of course, perfectionist that he is... it turned out really well! Anyway.... yeah! We are living in Poverty!! No money to get my hair done!!
