Saturday, April 17, 2010

Convocation & Last Bistro Night


Things are winding down over is beginning to be the "Last" of everything. It is really sad but also really happy. Its hard to sum up the experience that I have had here with all of these people...and I dont think I will ever be able to do that in words because you cant put a label or description on something this spectacular. It is hard to beleive that I am here conquering the world...because when I come back from Prague or Scotland, there isnt a handfull of people here who haven't done either the same thing or something cooler. When I come home and I am able to fully share this experience with you and I am taken out of this dream world then maybe I will be able to realize the incredible experience that I have been blessed with, the priceless and irreplaceable moments that I have had and the knowledge I have gained. But for will remain surreal.

This week (thursday) was the Valedictory Convocation. This is where we commend all of the teachers and give awards to outstanding students. We got to have a formal dinner...which is always a nice change of pace from the sick nasty Refectory (cafeteria) food. We dressed up and went to Harlaxton Village church and received our diplomas of completion and also a Harlaxton Society pin and listen to our GREAT chior and a speech and then we came back to the manor and had a reception and then dinner. I sat with all of my best friends and we ate a great meal and then listened to the awards...dont get excited...I didnt win anything haha! I think they got the results mixed up somewhere in the process. We then made our way to the Great Hall and all sat down to watch a slide show of the year...there were gallons of tears shed. Even though we know that we still have a 2 weeks with each other, 1 spent in one of the most amazing places in the world (Italy), we also know that this isnt just a "summer camp" thing. This is something that has made a permanent mark on our lives, that will define the rest of our journey, and no one can understand the meaning of these past few months more than the people we have been here with. I think that we are all starting to understand how important we are to each other, how we have grown together, and how much we have been through. We are at the point in our lives to that we wont just go back to our friends at home and put this to the way side, outr best friends that we made here will be there forever (if you want them to be, anyway). Its incredible. Okay so thats enough of my monologue. I just wanted to share with you and inkling of what this experience means to me and how I'm feeling right now. Because in the end thats what you think about right? But you also think about the future and my future right now includes the most inconceiveably comfortable bed in the world, a Jamba Juice and an American meal of my choosing. So I'm sitting pretty high right now. Oh and dont worry about my transportation home due to the volcanic ash cloud from Iceland (where I would love to be right now...), I have devised many alternative routes home. I have got this under control...I know how to beat the system...and by the system I mean mother nature.

Back to my story...After we all wept, It was LAST BISTRO NIGHT!! Everyone went down to the Bistro and hung out and it was a fantastic night with friends and teachers. We were the first Harlaxton class to sign the wall down in the Bistro...which they never let classes do!! And also...I bought the last drink at the bistro ever! (this semester anyways). That is the award I get. I have more pictures to show than words to speak so I will just show you those and I hope that you can gather the fun and great time we all had. I have finals this week but I dont want to ruin this post by talking about that so wish my luck and enjoy the pictures!!

I leave for Italy in 4 days!!!

P.S. I rode a bike yesturday for the first time in 7 years. We rode to town, which is about 4 miles away and rode back...needless to say I almost killed myself more than once (Sorry, dad I know I told you I would stay out of trouble and stay more bikes for me). You know the expression "Its just like riding a bike"....NO it is not just like riding a bike because riding a bike is not always the same...not after you have grown about a foot and have lost all sense of balance and coordination. Also...I am unable to sit on any hard surface with out a cusion. My bum feels like it just got a couple of swift kicks to it...for 8 miles.

Love you all! - click on pictures for better view!

Table at Convocation

Cassie and I at Convocation Reception

Chelsea and I at Convocation

Girls at Reception

Sarah and I at Convocation

Nick and I

Clay and I

Dr. Green and I at Bistro (another eye candy British professor that everyone wants)

Brandon and I at Bistro

All of us by our signed names!

Alex and I in Bistro

Emilee, Sara, Me in Bistro

Last Drink bought in Bistro!! -- it was a water

Bistro Wall - Spring 2010 Harlaxton
Im in the heart in the bottom right corner


  1. Ali. First of all, I LOVE the fact that the last drink bought at the Bistro was a bottle of WATER. BAHAHA!! Leave it to you to make that happen!! I really laughed out loud when I saw that.

    Anyway, I can't believe the day is almost here!!! I can't WAIT to see you. I miss you SOOOO much!!! However, I can no longer guarantee that we will be at your arrival. Unfortunately, Danny has to be off his thyroid medication for 2 weeks before he does this iodine treatment, and the day you get home is going to be the very tail end of those two weeks. I don't know how bad he is going to feel yet, but if you read up on it at all, this could be really horrible. I mean, I already know I will be doing ALL the driving that weekend, because he won't be allowed to drive AT ALL.

    But don't worry! If there is a way, we will be there!!! I REALLY don't want to miss welcoming you home. But I am going to be honest with you all the same. We are going to have to play this thing by ear.

    NOW. On to other things.... This blog almost made me cry! I know how you feel when you are talking about all the friends you made and the experiences you had. Granted, I haven't been on THAT big of a trip before, but I think I have had an inkling of those same types of feelings before! :)

    And I'm glad you have figured a way around Mother Nature. Because I am pretty sure no one over here is willing to wait to see you any longer than absolutely necessary.

    The pictures are FABULOUS, as always, and I hope you have TONS more to show us when you get home! (All the drunken ones you didn't post for Mom and Dad to see) HAHA! You can entertain us on the way back from Dallas!

    Ok, enough from me. And this better not get deleted when I try to post it!!!!!!!

    LOVE YOU!!!!!

    Your Sis,

    P.S. Don't get lax on your safety this last week in Italy! PLEASE KEEP BEING CAREFUL!!! You and your girls watch out for each other! I am glad y'all have done a good job of that so far. SO PROUD of you! :)

    P.P.S. That is HILARIOUS about the bike. I could have told you that you are too uncoordinated for that. NO LAND SPORTS FOR YOU!!!! Hahaha you AMAZON! But really. I'm sorry your butt hurts. ;)

  2. LAUREN!!!! This post made me so happy! Mom told me about danny and I completly understand. Dont worry about me missing just sad that you wont be able to be there because I know how much you both want to be. Dont exert yourself too much, you and Danny need to be in peak performance health! I love you both so much :) And yes...there are many pictures that I have not posted on here (including drunken ones...not necessarily hidden from mom and dad :)...if you catch my drift) I will be careful! see you soon!

  3. Ali! You have to stop posting on the FB thread about new posts on here! That is cheating! Us people (*cough* me *cough*) who check your blog everyday for new posts lose their spot as "first commenter"!! Okay, on to the post... I am with L on this, it definitely made me tear up! I am so glad this has been a positive experience for you! There could have been so many things to go wrong, but everything sounds like it has been a dream wonderfully come true! All the same, I can't wait to see you in two weeks! I know everyone else is saying this, but it cannot be repeated enough...BE SAFE! You have done such an amazing job so far with being in all of these foreign countries!

    I am so happy the semester is finally coming to a close! We have missed you so much! I need a layout partner! I wanted to layout today, but Derrik didn't want to...heavens knows why... Lauren will be in Texas with us again soon also! It shall be a GREAT summer! I bet Sweet Girl will love to layout with us too! I need to get some sweet lawn chairs for us to layout on in my backyard! HAHA! So glad I got to talk to you this morning! Love and miss you and see you SOON!!

    The Holmes Fam

  4. hahah!!! Why in the world wouldnt Derrik want to layout!?!? I bet Lauren and Sweet girl will want to lay out with us...I cant wait till Lauren is back in the homeland with us! There is no where else I would rather us be :) I miss you and I cannot wait to see you.
