Monday, April 19, 2010

Volcano Updates

Hi Everyone!

I dont know if you have read my previous Volcano post but you should read it before this one. Current news is UK sending military ships across the English Channel to retreive citizens. More and more people are getting stuck abroad and have no where to stay (airlines are stopping putting people in hotels or they are all booked already) and in some places only getting 1 meal voucher a day to places like McDonalds, or they dont have any more money to spend on food or hotels so they are sleeping on floors of airports for days without food.

The EU (European Union) is gathering their officials to figure out a solution to all of this because it is becoming more than an issue of getting where we need to be. So thankfully I have a place to stay and I am not trapped anywhere besides an English Manor. They met today and are hopefully finding a quick solution...whether is be getting planes in the air or sending more boats. What ever they are going to do it needs to happen soon because this obviously cannot be going on for the next week. It looks like the Volcano isnt going to let up anytime soon on the can read all about why this Volcano is a different situation than normal volcanoes because it is placed next to a glacier therefore producing a different type of lava/magma/ash cloud. I cant exactly spell out all of the specifics so here are some current links that mom and I found that are very informative of what is happening with the Volcano and how the EU is taking action.

I love you guys alot and miss you! As of now I am taking finals...doing great hopefully and staying put in the UK.
Here are some pictures of the eruption and ash cloud if you dont have anytime to look them up...its quite extraordinary.

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