Saturday, January 23, 2010

Fake Magna Carta + Robin Hood = 1 Historical Weekend

Helloo United States! (and is good to have you here Owen)

And here we venture further into my epic journey. This weekend was amazing and was filled with so much history and "Fake History". It all started on Thursday night at the Meet a Family Reception, where I met my temporary stand in family. (these are people who take a couple students in over the semester and take them on day trips, cook dinner for them, invite us over for drinks, etc. I was so lucky to receive a retired Minister, John Bruce and his wife Christine. They are a very kind couple with a 35 year old daughter (older couple), however extremely hip. At the dinner table John whipped out his iTouch and took the initiative in facebooking Amber and myself and asking us to be his friends on the dinner table!! Funniest thing I have ever seen!!! Then they continued to tell us how one of their favorite pasttimes is to go a see movies at the Cinema (movie theater for those who dont know ;) ) and that they had just seen Avatar in 3D! BAH! SO, basically I have the hippest geezers in Grantham.

Friday the whole school went on a trip to Lincoln...which is a little North West from Grantham. This is where the famous medieval Lincoln Cathedral is (breath taking architecture and also where Lord Alfred Tennison was burried, along with many other historically important individuals), and also the Lincoln castle (where one of the three exsisting copies of the Magna Carta is kept). However, in reference to the title of this blog, the real Magna Carta was residing in the U.S.A. for a breif period. Therefore, I was subject to viewing a "Fake" Magna Carta. I walked down the famous "Steep Hill", which was extremely hard and a little embarassing to walk up. And I also spent part of the day in a quaint little tea shop with a couple friends because it was raining and very cold, but the experience is what counts and that part was amazing. I am still continuing to make more and more friends and I kid you not that I...out of everyone here at this school....has made more friends and personally hangs out with and knows more people than anyone here. haha! I know your not surprised (mommy and daddy) but it feels great to walk in anywhere and actually know pretty much everyone there. This excludes the girls who practice VooDoo and have a secret Quidditch Club (from Harry Potter)...I tend to steer clear of that group. But anyway (no 's' Dad), I have made a ton of great friends even though they are all in different groups and I am planning a trip to Amsterdam with a big group of people in two weeks!! So excited!

Getting on the the rest of the weekend, Saturday I went to Nottingham (Home of Robin Hood) with a group of 8 friends (some new and old) and we mostly went shopping which was a wonderful detox (haha mom!!) and a nice breath of fresh air and break from historical monuments...But this is before I figured out that I was on Robin Hood territory!!! Dont worry, I kept the purchasing to a minimum, but it was a wonderful day to hang out with friends and get to know new people and new places. After shopping we made our way down to the assumed historical castle of Nottingham...where Robin Hood lives. To our dissappoint, this castle I speak of burnt down and was rebuilt not too long ago....So this is yet another historical let down this weekend haha! But I still got to pose with Robin Hood which was a highlight of the day. The best part of the day was going to The Oldest Pub In England!!!!!!! How awsome is that! 'Ye Old Trip to Jerusalem' is what it is called and it is built into the side of the Nottingham castle (that part didnt burn down). We had a drink there.....necessity...and soaked up all of the TRUE history.

Overall a fantastic weekend...I know what you are is she getting all her homework done. Well, that is a good question. I guess that is what Sundays are for...right??? :)

Again, I wish that I could be sharing all of my experiences with each and every one of you. But this is the best that I can do and I am so glad that yall are enjoying it because I enjoy your posts just as much!! I miss all of you so terribly much. Just tonight I had an epiphany..."I am actually in Europe...WHAT?!?!...This is reall?? I cannot beleive that I am here" Yes it is just now dawning on me slightly that I am in Europe and I am living all of this right now. I am still in love with my roommate Cassie. We went out and had drinks tonight at a Local Harlaxton Restaurant and Pub called the Gregory with one of our friends Kerry. And we are all becoming best friends. By the way...I have no idea how I am going to convert back to American lifestyle after this. I am going to be converting dollars into pounds to be able to tell how expensive something is and to decide if I want to buy it or not haha...AND I will not be able to drink alcohol legally...bummer. So I guess I better live it up while I can. Classes are going great...I dont want to scare you too bad (mom and dad) and I am enjoying all of the learning and different styles of teaching.

I am flossing (mom and Aunt Jean)...when I think about it haha! Ill do it right now so I dont forget....hold on one second...pause....more pausing....pause some more...Okay Im done! You can rest assured now! Well it is getting late here so I hope that all of you enjoy my pictures and adventures from this portion of my epic journey this weekend. There is so much more to come! This is Only the Beginning!!! I love you all so much and I hope that yall are doing well and not missing me too much (you better miss me alot)!


(This is the nickname that everyone has given me at Harlaxton...seriously everyone calls me this and says that I look like I would be in a Miss U.S.A. Pageant...BAH!!)

This is my meet a family with my "sister" amber!
(Amber, Christine Bruce, ME, Reverend John Bruce)

This my and my roommate Cassie at Meet a family reception

This is the Lincoln of the most beautful architechure I have ever seen
(Where Lord Alfred Tennison was burried, And the Magna Carta is kept in the Castle right next door)

Me in the Lincoln Cathedral!

Me at King Edward's grave at Lincoln cathedral
(He was a good King)

Me and Robin Hood in Nottingham!
I am just like Robin Hood
Me at a Bagley sign in Nottingham!!!
This is the Oldest Pub in England
Me by the Oldest Pub in England


  1. this all looks like so much fun! i'm so jealous you are in England living it up.
    so you mean to tell me Ali Bagley doesn't want to be in the Quidditch club? since when? i'm glad you are still making friends. you can never have too many!
    how ironic the Magna Carta is in the USA while you are in England. at least they provided a fake one.
    you look like you are keeping warm in your layers. i hope that new jacket has treated you well.
    have fun and keep us updated!

    P.S. Robin Hood must have had good taste. ya'll both have the same boots haha.

  2. ALI!!! This was a GREAT post. I'm glad you finally realized you are in another country!! lol Well, at least you will know all the ins and outs of England when we take our sister trip there! Hey, you may decide to MOVE there after this trip! Well, we are watching the Colts game, so I will make this brief. Oh, CALL ME by the way! Mom and Dad told me you called like 3 times sincce they have been here in JACKSON!!! Why have I not talked to you?!??

    Ok. Love you.


    P.S. You can make a sacrifice and stay up for the Saints game! I know you are staying up late going to all these pubs and getting trashed (HAHA), you can stay up and watch our boys!

  3. ALI :D it's extremely great to hear from you!! Thought we had lost you there for a minute. Well again JEALOUS and so happy that your enjoying everything Europe has to offer! Your new family looks cool & friendly.. bahaha hopefully they will invite you over for a home cooked meal very soon! BTW you look so beautiful in your pictures..Europe def suites you! :) I hope you continue to have a lovely time.. keep updating!! LOVE YOU & MISS YOU!!

  4. Hi Ali,
    So glad you are getting to experience so much English history and have fun at the same time. What a way to learn. I see you got to wear your new "little black dress" to meet your host family. You look really gooood!!! We miss you terribly and can't wait to see your smiling face at the Casa on Smelley Road.

    We love you, mom.
