Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Goose

Hi Everyone!

I know that my posts are very frequent but I want to tell yall everything! Last night was the first town pub experience. It was fabulous...minus the part where I was subject to taking a shot of jager, that was interesting. I went with a group of friends and met up with some other people from school. There was a 45 year old man from Scotland that tried to hit on me while I was using his phone to call a cab...all of my great friends just sat back and watched instead of saving me!! Awful. I cannot believe that this is only my third day...I still haven't taken many pictures but there is much time left for that. This morning I went to the Harlaxton village was the cutest thing and very unique, but it was as cold inside the church as outside. Miserable. My roomates are so far so good. I really get along with one of them named Cassie. She sleeps above me haha. This morning while I was getting ready for church I looked out of my window at all of the beautiful snow and woods and I saw a big bunny rabit running was delightful!

Funny Story -- So I was in the grocery store Morrisons and I went with 2 girls and 1 guy and I was looking for a plug adaptor. I approached an employee and said - "Do yall have any plug adaptors" (while sporting my fine southern accent). I looked back at my friends standing a few feet away and they were all laughing at me. I didnt find out until later what they were laughing was the look that the employee gave me when I opened my mouth. Which is the same look that most of the Brits give me. Haha!
Note: I am the only person here that uses the word "Yall"

I cannot beleive that classes start tomorow...I am a bit nervous about all of the reading that I am going to be doing but Ill manage.

Andd......THATS ALL FOLKS! (Porky the Pig)

Yours Truely,
Bali Agley


  1. If you were wondering why a labeled this post The was the name of the pub that we went to last night. (forgot to include that)

  2. ALI!!!!!!! I'm oh so glad that you're having a good time!!! I wish I were there to have good times with you but I'm glad you're making friends!!! I want to see pics ASAP!! Do you understand young lady?

  3. Hey! You know I assumed that was the name of the pub? I am so smart! You better keep up with these frequent posts! Everything sounds great!

    PS I hate jager

  4. Haha Ali! I love your stories, they are hilarious...and from your pictures, it looks like an upgrade from Texas Women's. I feel bad that you will be taking Shakespeare though, that had to be my worst class from undergrad. Miss you lots and I hope you find some GOOD food, I know it's there somewhere lol


  5. ali! It looks so beautiful there!..definetely jealous. Keep saying "yall" :)...I'm hoping you're one of those people that pick up accents where ever you go (like me..I spoke like a canadian while I was there for a week)..because I love british accents...I'd call you three times a day just to hear it :)
    I hate that you're taking class while you're there.haha! and those classes sound brutal...I would take organic over shakespeare any day!
    and I'm so happy to hear you're telling us everything!! love the stories..sounds entertaining and I'm so happy you're making friends...
    have you met the european-soccer-player- future-husband yet?
    love you!
    -Alex B

  6. Hi Ali,
    I am happy you are having a good time. The pictures are very pretty! Love you lots!
    Grandma Bagley

  7. Hey Ali!! Thanks for putting thoe pictures up! I will have to email you the pics I took of our frozen over lake and the geese all slipping around on it! hahaha OH and the video I have of EMMA walking out on the ice!!! Talk about SCARY! And you need to ask dad about what RILEY did!!!

    And keep that southern accent going! hahaha that is hilarious! So... did you find the adapter? Or did they even know what you were talking about? lol

    And the reading shouldn't be bad! You love to read! Hopefully it is interesting, though...

    P.S. Dano and I need to Skype with you soon!

  8. Dont know if I am doing this right-but am excited that you have this opportunity--Jager is nasty--I tried it in germany--Grandpa is in Florida and I am visiting the girls in Atlanta right now--will return to Florida Sunday---The weather in the pictures does not look as bad as everyone says weather in England is--Am enjoying reading about your adventures--have fun --love grandma
