Saturday, January 9, 2010


Hi Everyone!!

I am so happy that yall are gives me something to look forward to everyday. This is my new home and it is so amazing!! I will post more later. So today I got ALL 18 of my books!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am taking Shakepeare (10 books/plays) World Classics (4 books) and British Studies (4 Books)...Insanity. I also went into the village of Grantham today...the closest village to Harlaxton College. There is snow EVERYWHERE!! It is so beautiful and I have taken lots of pictures. I went into Grantham today...which was the home of Issac Newton, and there is a statue of him and his home is there...I didnt get a change to take pictures but I will next time. I am making more and more friends every day. Everyone is so nice....but the food is SICK!!!!! So far I have been forced to eat fried fish and chips and a hot dog and chips (which I didnt eat - and those of you who dont know...chips mean french fries). Tonight we are having a Super nice dinner in the Great Hall which will be very fun and hopefully good food!
Stay tuned to Party in the UK!!

-Hermione Granger (todays code name)

1 comment:

  1. Don't you mean:
    "you know you love me...xoxo
    Gossip Girl"
    Ali that place seriously looks amazing. I wish I could come and visit.
    I'm so happy you are making friends because we know I wouldn't be if I were in your position.
    Have fun and post more pictures soon! (maybe some to facebook.)

    -C Newman
