Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Odyssey

Whats Up? <-----(That one is for you mom :) )

So I have been spending majority of my free time and my other free time...and my non free time reading for my classes. As of now I am ankle deep in The Odyssey. I gues it is appropriate because I am on an Odyssey of my own.. People are getting really cliquish here and are only hanging out with people they go to school with in the States. But it is only the first week so I hope that they start to branch out a bit. There are alot of cool people suprisingly, but also alot of SUPER wierd people. I had to sit next to a girl the other night that had 2 inch black nails that were pointed into a spear shape!!!! it was disterbing. I think she must practice witch craft on her free time. ANYWAY (no 's') <---(for you dad), I like all of my professors, but I have a ton of reading. Along with the Odyssey, I have to read 'A Midsummers Night Dream' by next week and other exerpts from books for my British Studies. I am still starving and in need of some good food. I am also in need of America....any little piece of America. So feel free to send me some. I am going to London this weekend. So that should be exciting! I will take tons of pictures. It is kind of akward to ask people to take pictures of you because I want to have pictures with me in them but i dont really know these people very well. Stinks.

Well it is time for me to hit the sheets. I have a presentation tomorrow!! Whoot!
I will update all about London later this week!

Love you all to death!!!

Ali Baba


  1. ALI :D I miss your beautiful face!! SO quite worrying about asking people to take a picture of you, just do it! :) I am so excited for you darling!! Sounds so fun, I am officially jealous!! I cannot describe how much I miss you. But continue to post randomly ALL the time so I can keep up with you!! And keep taking tons of pictures!! I love you & miss you dear! BE CAREFUL & have funnn :)

  2. Do not be afraid to ask random people to take a picture of you! I wish I would have asked more for people to take pictures of me when I was in Italy! (Just don't ask anyone you think might jack up your sweet Rebel!) Sounds like you are up to your chin in reading! I will try to make up a package for you sometime soon! I can't wait to see some pictures from London and hear some crazy stories!!

    Love you!!
    Derrik, Christi and Riley

  3. Don't worry about asking people to take your picture. They will probably think your a supermodel from America and be thrilled to take your photo. Don't forget to say "Thank you Ya'll."
    As for your hunger, it looks like you will be losing some lbs. The small package I sent yesterday was no cheap affair. I figured that I paid about $2.00 per cookie in shipping costs. It would be cheaper to eat with the Queen. I am sending you an article about great places to eat in London. I am sure you will like some of them.

  4. My little sister LOVED the Odyssey...but I guess it's all dependent on whether or not you have a good professor. I would definetely recommend hitting up the "no fear shakespeare" books!! (If you can't find them there, I will send them to you).
    And you better eat Ali...I didn't think you had any weight to lose until I saw you last...you're going to shrivel up!
    I'll send candy because you love candy :)...especially during class...

  5. Hi, sweet Ali! I changed my major kinda late in my college career and decided to minor in English SOOOO I feel your pain with all the reading! I kept thinking, "What have I done?" Chance went back to Dallas today (but I'm sure you know that). Kinda quiet around here! I miss you and wish I could fix you a giant pot of mac and cheese!!!
