Sunday, January 17, 2010


Hello There.

I just got back from the AMAZING city of London. I had more than a blast, and I think that part of that was because I got so close to alot of the people Im here with and not just acquaintences. So that was fun! Friday we touched off from the Manor at Harlaxton and drove to London where we took a 2 hour bus tour of the whole city. Amazing. There is so much to see and it is such a huge town, you have to go for at LEAST a week. So I definitely plan on going back soon! The pictures are a bit out of order...this post was a bit harder to put together.
This is the town of Surrey (where The Holiday was at!!)
This is me in the back of Hampton Court Palace
Hampton Court Palace
Hampton Court Palace

This is my standing under a HUGE tree in the Gardens at Hampton Court Palace (Sunday afternoon)

Me standing against another HUGE tree in the Gardens at Hampton Court Palace

This is me trapped in the dead end of a "Bush Maze" that is in the Gardens at Hampton Court Palace

Me sending Peace from the U.K. to you in the U.S.A (At Hampton Court Palace)

This is me standing in front of Buckingham Palace :) (Saturday)

This is me and my friends Laurel (left) and Sam (right) at Buckingham Palace at the Changing of the Gaurd Saturday morning

This picture is me and my roommate Cassie and in front of the play that we went to go see Friday night!!

This is a picture of me outside the Leicester Square (where we saw the play) on Friday but you cant see it very much

This is a picture of my by the Tower Bridge (which was the only stop we made on the bus tour on Friday)
Friday afternoon was spent going to Leicester Square (the big theatre district) to buy tickets for a show! I went and saw "The Little Dog that Laughed" with my friends Cassie (roommate), Carrie, and I cant remember the other girls name. The title doesnt make sense to me at all but the show was great and really funny. We went to a really cute pub for drinks and dinner before the show. Later that night I got back to the hotel and went out with some of my other friends Laurel and Sam and met everyone at this popular bar in London called "The Rocket" were we had drinks with alot of people from school and danced to some kickin' American hip hop :)! (and keep in mind that we got in at 3 am) Overall, great day!!

Saturday came early at 8am. I got ready for the day to go sightseeing with Laurel and Sam and a couple of their friends from the States who were in London for the weekend after being in Kenya for a month doing medical research. We first went to Buckingham Palace where we saw the ceremony of the Gaurd Chaning...very interesting! At that point it began to down pour on us...good thing I had an umberella. And it was also freezing outside. We continued on the Westminster Abbey, Parliament and Big Ben. All Amazing and I have to go back to get the full effect because it was raining and miserable. We spent the rest of the afternoon in this very cute pub in Covent Garden (which is my favorite place in London I have decided...among Notting Hill) eating and enjoying each others company, and then we went to the British Museum which was very cool but I was so tired that I ended up splitting from the group and going to relax in the cafe with my littel friend Hot Chocolate. At this point I had been trying to get ahold of Larkin all day because my phone wasnt working correctly but finally with the extensive help from Lauren and Danny (mostly Lauren) I got ahold of him and left from the museum to go to his house (south of the Thames river...bad side of town) haha! Got there and then realized that i left my cell phone in the taxi cab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so I have been trying to recover it ever since but it doesnt look too hopeful. (sorry mommy and daddy) I met his flat mates who were very very of which was a large bunny rabbit call Zandar BAHA! it was the cutest thing ever. We hung out for a while and then we went to Notting Hill (Livin' the Hugh Grant dream) to go to a FABULOUS Taqueria with some of his friends from school!!! After that we went to a Piano Bar in Notting Hill that was completely rockin and a great time (maybe one of the coolest things I did in London). It was about 10 and I left to go back to the hotel to meet my friends to go out dancing. We went to a really hip club called Fabric that Larkin warned me was SUPER Intense and a couple of his friends DJ there alot. This club was Insane....It was three floors and was a huge rave with just techno out the wazzooo and people from every country in the world and it was awsome. Finally got in at 5am....yes I know....5am. But hey people....ITS LONDON!! So basically I have had no sleep and I am among the walking dead right now haha.

Today we went as a whole group to Hampton Court Palace which was the home of Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn (Bailey...), William and Mary (from the Glorious Rev.) and so many more. It was such a beautiful place and a great experience. We were there for about 4 hours and then we came back to the Manor and I am writing all of you now :) I cant remember if I left any funny details out of this post but I will update if I think of anything.

I miss all of you so dearly much and you would not beleive how bad I wish that yall were here with me....especially you mommy, daddy, christi, lauren, danny, and derrik haha because I wouldnt have to compromise doing what I want to do for what other people want to do (because I am the center of attention in this family and dont you forget it!). And Because we like the same things and food!!!
I hope all of you had a great weekend (not nearly as great as mine obviously ;) ) I hope my post was efficient so you could live vicariously through it...if not, write a letter to the editor please. Well back to a week of school and reality! Hooray.

I miss and love all of you so much! Oh and mommy, I L (to the) O (to the) V (to the) E my Rebel!!!!

Chip Chip,

Eli (Ali in an English accent)


  1. I just want to say I SO enjoyed reading your entry about London! I wish I could have gone dancing with you guys. Derrik doesn't like to go, and I'm just itchin' to boogie! Haha. How bout you send us a package from England, eh?! Derrik does enjoy hearing your posts secondhand (I read them outloud to him). Also, guess who Lauren and I went to dinner with when we were in town last weekend! AMANDA MOSELY BAHAHAHA!! Trust me, it was NOT our idea, but JoAnna wanted us to go, haha! And we went to see Sherlock Holmes, SO GOOD!! We love and miss you!!

    Christi, Derrik and Riley

  2. Ali! What an incredible post! I still envy your "epic journey," but I'm glad you're there and not me. Sadly, I would probably be reluctant to go out and make the most of it like you.

    Emma has been bugging me for days to tell you "hi." She said she misses you terribly and hopes you can bring her back some presents if you happen to wander into her native Germany. I told her it wasn't likely, but she insisted I ask.

    Have a wonderful week!

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. All I can say is I'm glad you are having such a fabulous time!! The pictures were GREAT, you didn't look tired at all :) I love you & miss you terribly!

    Have a super duper week miss!!

  4. Hey AL!!! That was SO FUN to read!! I felt like I was traveling with you through the foggy streets of London-Town!! hahaha Thanks for spending some time writing before you crashed into a coma and forgot everything! LOL The pictures are great! I wish u could have gotten some in the pubs and dance clubs you went to! (You probably didn't want to bring your cam in those places though, I guess.) Man, you know Christi and I would have a BLAST with you there! Danny could go stay with Derrik while we visit you. haha! Actually, maybe we oculd have your bachelorette party there?? EH??? Think about it.

    LOVE YOU! Get some rest! I can't believe you stayed out that late 2 nights in a row!! hahaha I'll remember that next time i come to visit in Longview and you claim that you need to go to bed at 8PM!!! Shut Up!

  5. um yes because my wedding will most likely be here!!! haha. I more wet blanket. I miss you and christi to death. You dont even know what I would give to have yall walking the streets and at the cars with when we are all mid twentys maybe early thirties and we are all really rich we are taking a trip here...just us and we are going to have a freeking blast!!!

  6. Hahaha YEAH we are!!! Oh, by the way, you look so cute and stylish in those pictures!!!..... Are you rich??

  7. oh that is so funny you asked that..because yes I am.

  8. Hi, Honey! Great pics! I wish I had your energy! I've been home alone all day, but kind of enjoying it. I'm finally putting our Disney pictures in the photo album - GOOD TIMES!!! I miss you and reading your blog is always the highlight of my day. Have fun! BTW did you know you shouldn't look directly at the camera when someone takes your pic??? heehee

  9. Ali! I'm SO sorry I haven't been posting on here as often as I had hoped to!...I have been SO very busy this first week..
    Anyways! sounds like you're having a blast! You should be expecting a package from me and christopher soon!! :)
    As for Hampton Court Palace...did you happen to see Henry's armor?...I know when you read in books they say he was a huge guy and everything but it really doesn't hit home that he is that enormous until you see his set of armor!! I wish I could remember everywhere we went when we were there because I would recommend them to you..I'll ask my dad, I'm sure he remembers the names and probably even the addresses (you know how he is...)
    I LOVE the pictures and the picture quality on that camera is is night and day difference...You haven't been missing much here...all I have been doing is reading, studying, and cleaning :(...David's birthday (69th) was today and he had two waffles for breakfast and two waffles for dinner (which he requested).
    You should definetely make an effort to rent The Tudors on Netflix (you can get it on yoru computer and don't have to have it actually mailed to you..I have an account and can give my password to you on fb if you want) anyways The Tudors is an excellent series and would make it a thousand times more interesting since you're there in London :)
    Love you and miss you!!

  10. Ali! Your adventures sound crazy haha...and you already lost your cell phone, that sounds like something I would do! Hope you have a good week at school and don't forget to celebrate MLK day ;)
    p.s. Say hi to Hot Chocolate for me

  11. I am so HAPPY you had such a great experience in London, especially after the not so great initial experience at Heathrow. You are so right about embracing the people you are with and enjoying those moments together as friends. That is what you will remember and cherish from this trip. (I am using embrace in its figurative sense, of course) Ha Ha Take care of yourself and remember to floss! We love you. Mom

  12. Haha yeah I am SO down for a sister trip to Europe. So I may actually have some blinds in my house soon...crazy, I know.

  13. Christi - why are you talking about your BLINDS on here?? ROFL

  14. Ali, you are having way too much fun! Iloved your photos and remembering all the places I have seen in London. I am so jealous! Keep 'em coming but remember to study and floss! Loved Mom's advise. Love you tons....A. Jean
